Calendar Management
Job Templates
In order to create a Shift, you will first need to create a Job Template.
These allow you to set default parameters for any type of Shift you are looking to add to your calendar including Job Title & Description, Rate, Contact Person and Location of the Shift.
You can create multiple Job Templates for all the different type of Shifts you may wish to have available on your Calendar.
Adding a Shift
Once you have registered with Dineindulge Chefs and completed your Direct Debit set up you’ll be able to begin adding Shifts to your Calendar which our chefs can then view and accept. To do this just click on the Shifts tab in the main menu and either click on the date you wish to add the shift to OR press the [+Shift] button.
If you add a shift using the method of clicking on a date in the calendar then you’ll be able to add a single shift or multiple shifts to that date. You can also press the Create & duplicate button and then click on another date to duplicate this shift/s across multiple dates.
If you add a shift using the [+Shift] button you can select multiple dates at once to add the shift to and as a result fill your calendar quickly and easily in one go.
Billing & Payment
Setting Up Your Direct Debit
To keep things as easy and simple for you as possible, we’ve automated billing, invoicing and payment for our partner companies.
Before you begin adding Shifts to your Calendar you’ll be asked to complete your registration by setting up a Direct Debit through our partner payment provider, GoCardless. This takes 30 seconds and can be done directly through our platform.
Please note, you must use the same email for the set up of your direct debit through GoCardless as you did for the set up of your Dineindulge Chefs account (i.e your Username). This is auto filled for you when you are asked to complete your information on the Set Up form. If for any reason you need to change your Username, before or after complete the direct debit form, then please contact and they can do this for you.
Once this is complete, all our platforms features are available to you but it’s important to note that you’re not charged anything for having an account with us. You’re only ever billed for Shifts that a Dineindulge chef accepts and completes for you and there are no monthly fees involved with using our platform.
How Does Billing Work?
Any shifts that are successfully completed by a Dineindulge chef in any given week, running Monday to Sunday, are sent to you in a statement for review the following Tuesday at 9am. Your latest Statement for the previous weeks work is generated and accessible from Tuesday by clicking on the Statements tab.
You then have until Thursday at 9am, that same week, to check and review your statement which you can do by pressing the Review button next to it. After Thursday at 9am you will no longer be able to Review your statement at it will be deemed accepted by you. So please make sure you always Review your statement by this stage.
Finally, at 4pm that Thursday your statement will be formally submitted and the balance will be charged to your bank account the following Thursday, so you pay for shifts worked two weeks in arrears.
The platform does charge a fee on top of the rate you pay the chef which covers chef payroll, billing transaction costs and platform upkeep but this is only 20% in total. So for example, if you advertised a Shift at an hourly rate of £12 per hour you’d be charged £14.40 +VAT per hour by the platform and £12 would go directly to the chef.